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Greetings, I am Mpho, the founder of Ehlersdanlosboy, an organization that aims to raise awareness and bring change for those living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) its comorbidities. Our mission is to educate, advocate, and support individuals with EDS, fostering a more understanding and inclusive world. We strive to create a community that embraces and uplifts zebra, preventing the suffering and stigma that many have faced. Join us in our journey to make a meaningful impact and change lives for the better.


At Ehlersdanlosboy, our mission is to raise awareness, advocate for change, and provide support for individuals affected by Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and its comorbidities. Through informative content, community engagement, and collaborative initiatives, we aim to empower 'zebras' with knowledge, resources, and a sense of belonging. We strive to challenge misconceptions, reduce stigma, and promote understanding of EDS within society and the healthcare community. Our commitment is to stand beside every zebra, offering guidance, solidarity, and hope as they navigate their journey with EDS. Together, we are dedicated to creating a brighter, more inclusive future for all those impacted by this complex condition.


At Ehlersdanlosboy, our vision is to create a world where individuals with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and its comorbidities feel understood, supported, and empowered. We envision a future where every 'zebra'—as we affectionately call them—can live their lives to the fullest without the burden of stigma or misunderstanding. Through education, advocacy, and community building, we strive to foster a global network of compassion and solidarity, where individuals affected by EDS find strength in unity and hope in shared experiences. Our ultimate goal is to drive meaningful change, improve access to resources and support, and champion a more inclusive and equitable society for all those touched by EDS.

Disclaimer: Ehlers Danlos Boy is a dedicated platform offering news and information about the disease. We do not offer medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The content provided is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your physician or qualified health providers for personalized medical guidance. Any reliance on information from this website is at your own risk. For further inquiries, please contact us at Based in South Africa.

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